For measurement of low pressure and vacuum within the range -600…0 to 0…600 mbar, for use on gas and dry air.
- Industrial sector:
Chemical, PetrochemicalEnergy, Oil & Gas, Machine building (OEM), Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC)
- Instrument type:
Capsule pressure gauges
- Specific applications:
Low pressure, Vacuum, Combined (Vacuum + Pressure)
- Conformity:
EN 837 standard, Directive PED 2014/68/UE, EAC Conformity
- Accuracy:
1,0 of FSV1,6 of FSV
- Function:
Local indication
- Material:
All Stainless steel
- Range:
0...2,5 / 0...600mbar
- Sensing element:
- Protection degree:
IP 55
- Sensing element material:
- Working pressure:
75% of FSV